Miss Amanda Chen Show
Welcome to the Miss Amanda Chen show! Ex-journalist turned retired entrepreneur turned motivational coach and speaker Amanda Chen is an expert in curiosity and now living in Mexico. Last year she bought a one-way ticket and never looked back. She’s tried everything in order to reach success and live the dream, only to realize that the dream she was chasing was never really hers. Realizing she has spent her whole life learning how to work, this season is focused on learning how to live. Each episode Amanda dives into what she calls the journey unravelled, in unlearning patterns, detaching from social concepts and generating pure self love. Join her as she questions why you do the things you do, why are you even thinking about doing anything in the first place, and how to find peace and just be. Subscribe for more thoughtful considerations on how to feel more alive each Wednesday.
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Masked Man 71/100: The Loving Man
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all around the world about masculinity, sex and relationships, and how that contributes to our self worth.
Masked Man #71 is the Loving Man. We talk about how to cultivate self love, and the concept of acts of service being more of a form of validation than a pure act of love. Should we be thinking more about acts of love rather than acts of service? How would that shift our understanding of love and how we act in relationships?
In this episode we also talk about ghosting and it has become more popular even though no one thinks highly about this behaviour - meaning that those who do it would rather be condemned in that shame than speak their truth? It's one thing to talk about the desire for communication, but what about those that can´t find the courage to speak? How much are we tortured in our silence? Let's get into it. I hope you enjoy the show.
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Masked Man 70/100: The Uncertain Man
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all walks of life about self identity, self worth and self love.
Masked Man #70 is the Uncertain Man. We talk about expectations in relationships, of needing to become better to be with a more virtuous partner, the power dynamics in cheating and the uncertainty or doubt of whether or not it's going to work out in the long-run.
I think the biggest learning here is realizing that we can never be certain about the future, but we gotta be certain about how we feel. Let's get into it. I hope you enjoy the show.
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Masked Man 69/100: The Well-Sexed Prude
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all around the world about masculinity, sex and relationships, and how that contributes to our self worth.
Masked Man #69 is the Well-Sexed Prude. He shares his perspective on why he might engage in sex when he isn't in the mood, and we realize it is more about a fear of rejection the next time, so we say yes now. And I guess this is a huge contributor to feelings of worthiness when we are expecting men to perform a certain way in sex, as a way to prove their role in this situation.
In this episode we uncover why I felt so comfortable with the masked men series, as most of my intimate relationships have been with strangers. And in my opinion, there is more freedom when there isn't the attachment or expectation of a long-term commitment in place as an indicator of one's true intentions. Let's get into it.I hope you enjoy the show.
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Masked Man 68/100: The Masked Outcast
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all walks of life about self identity, self worth and self love.
Masked Man #68 is the Masked Outcast. Here's another Toronto artist, but his glow up is very different from the last one, I think because he actually admits to his feelings, specifically the pain. And this is where we can reflect and recognize our growth. He shares his healing journey of dealing with abandonment, from trying desperately to force people to stay in his life to letting it all go.
I am so glad to hear there's more of a demand for conversations on mental health, especially from men. There is always something we can learn from the stories of others, if we open our hearts to it. Let's get into it. I hope you enjoy the show.
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Masked Man 67/100: The Inner Artist
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all walks of life about self identity, self worth and self love.
Masked Man #67 is the Inner Artist. He shares his journey of breaking free from the story that was given to him, and courageously made his own path. And now that he is his true self, he can be vulnerable and stand in his truth. But how does that affect how he interacts with others that may not be so authentic?
We talk about the energy we put into relationships that we feel may be unbalanced - maybe you are doing more work, and you go your separate ways. I get super vulnerable here and admit this hurts, every time, for me. Because I want better, this is the whole point of me reaching out to these 100 strange men. What would be the point if I was just going to be okay with the way things are right now? Join me as we talk about being better humans. I hope you enjoy the show.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Masked Man 66/100: The Uncomfortable Man
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all walks of life about masculinity, self worth and self love.
Masked Man #66 is the Uncomfortable Man. He shares his journey in self healing in dealing with anger and violence. I am so grateful to have this conversation to share with you, we both get really vulnerable here, we laugh, we cry - it's beautiful.
And even in this anonymous call, there is so much discomfort when we talk about love. His inability to accept love. The shutting down when we get into that subject and why it's so difficult for him, and maybe for a lot of men. Let's get into it. I hope you enjoy the show.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Masked Man 65/100: The Token Entrepreneur
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all walks of life about self identity, what success means in society and how that affects our self worth.
Masked Man #65 is the Token Entrepreneur. He is basically retired at 25-year-old, moving out of his parents house and about to start a new chapter, into the unknown. And this episode is an introspective reflection of the concept of entrepreneurship and how it has been a trending topic lately as the ultimate form of success.
I really enjoyed talking to someone else who is in a similar position to where I am today, where I guess we're both just learning how to live. I love talking about consciousness and spirituality, on understanding the self, so guys if this is a topic you enjoy to chat about, you know what to do. Send me a message at missamandachen on Instagram. Make sure to subscribe to the show and I'll see you next Wednesday with more episodes of 100 Masked Men.
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Masked Man 64/100: The Masked Inquirer
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Hello and welcome back to the Miss Amanda Chen Show. We are now in Season 3 of the 100 Masked Men series, where I anonymously interview different men from all walks of life about self identity, expectations from society and how that affects our self worth.
June is pride month, so this week I sit down with men who are challenged about their personal understanding of gender when interacting with members of the LGBTQ community, and in sitting with the discomfort that comes with privilege.
Masked Man #63 is the Masked Inquirer. He shares his story about being a health visitor in the UK, which is basically a nurse that visits families to check on the health of a newborn baby. He reflects on how a lot of female health visitors and mothers would isolate men and how that could contribute to how men may feel like they have no role with childcare.
My question is, if women have been fighting to have a role in business, or other male dominated spaces, is it the role of men to fight for theirs in childcare, or do women have a responsibility to make space? Let's get into it. I hope you enjoy the show.
Learning How To Live
Ex-journalist turned retired entrepreneur turned motivational coach and speaker Amanda Chen is an expert in curiosity and now living in Mexico. Last year she bought a one-way ticket and never looked back. She’s tried everything in order to reach success and live the dream, only to realize that the dream she was chasing was never really hers. Realizing she has spent her whole life learning how to work, this season is focused on learning how to live.
Each episode Amanda dives into what she calls the journey unravelled, in unlearning patterns, detaching from social concepts and generating pure self love. Join her as she questions why you do the things you do, why are you even thinking about doing anything in the first place, and how to find peace and just be.